The best Beauty and the Geek makeovers 2022

Guy with glasses with a confused look on his face

Confidence can make a world of difference in how we feel about ourselves. While the pressures of society have led us to believe that certain aesthetic trends and styles are what make someone attractive, it is, in fact, empowerment and knowledge about oneself and growing into your sense of style that is the real happily ever after.

Makeovers – whether in the form of a fairy’s spell or an 80s montage – always make for great viewing. The transformation episodes of Beauty and the Geek go down like a treat every series, and seeing these so-called geeks go from anxious and under-confident to empowered and comfortable in their own skin is a special kind of magic.

The show Beauty and the Geek teams a self-assured ‘beauty’ up with an under-confident ‘geek’. Over the course of the series, the couples get to know one another, working together to win challenges and reaching for the big cash prize at the end.

However, it could be said that the real prize is the connections and confidence that the couples gain along the way. Both beauty and geek come from different worlds and therefore have lots to teach the other about life, love, confidence and the beauty within.

We are going to take you through the best Beauty and the Geek makeovers of the 2022 series.

Let’s take it away!

Beauty and the Geek 2022 – Let’s hear it for the boys!


Digital Content Director Anthony is much more comfortable living in a world of witchcraft and wizardry than being around people he doesn’t know. But with a sprinkle of magic, he was adorned in a stylish beige suit and polo shirt, his eyes shining through new contact lenses and his smile clean-shaven and beaming. Confidence came in strong with this one!


No more hiding behind a full beard and spectacles the way his idol Batman hides his identity behind a mask – Mike has come out into the light! Handsome stubble, stylishly coiffed hair and a form-fitting blue suit and pinstripe shirt make Mike look like a new man! 

He holds himself differently; the same cheeky smile and intelligent eyes now shine with an air of self-assuredness which is totally refreshing and beautiful to see.


Train enthusiast Aaron has battled with self-confidence for a long time, and on the day of his transformation took a sword to the heart of dwindling confidence. 

Aaron looks perfectly spruced with a casual button-down-over-t-shirt combo, modern frame glasses and a short hairstyle, bringing the whole look together and giving him an air of ease and confidence. 


Michael’s chilled, beachy vibe went from children’s show host to slow-mo Mr Darcy moment, maintaining a casual air but tweaking it slightly for a more refined, grown-up look. 

The neutral tones of the white t-shirt and beige jacket are cool and classic, and the swooping side fringe ensures that the overall look still has a youthful bounce to it.


Shy musician Jason is unrecognisable after his makeover, face clean-shaven and hair short, allowing his handsome, happy face to shine through. A short-sleeved shirt allows him to flaunt his strong arms, and his new air of confidence is completely undeniable. No more hiding for this hermit!


Software engineer Chris’ Mick Jagger hair and fun shirt vibe were traded in for a layered shirt look in shades of blue, giving him a wonderfully elegant silhouette. 

His hair has been beautifully shaped to suit his strong jaw and beaming smile – everything about this look enhances Chris’ natural features.

And there we have it, the best Beauty and the Geek makeovers of 2022 – a before and after where both are beautiful. The only difference is a dash of confidence and some style knowledge to help these men feel their absolute best. 

The Beauty and the Geek couples have each other’s backs and support their partners to feel the best and most empowered version of themselves they can be. We love that!

Want to help people with their own magical makeover moment?

Beauty treatments are not simply about the aesthetic; they are a form of self-care and can help build our confidence, empowering us to get in touch with ourselves and express ourselves creatively. 

Looking after ourselves, caring for our skin and hair, and wearing clothes that make us feel good can hugely impact our mental health. It can also keep us feeling empowered and on top of things. These acts of kindness towards ourselves can make all the difference, whether it is just small changes or a full makeover transformation.

If you think you have the magic touch to bring some light and confidence to people’s lives through the creative medium of beauty, then a career in the beauty industry might be the way to go. 

With endless avenues and creative opportunities to choose from, the world is your oyster, and you can turn your hand to any job within your skillset.

But how do you get started?

We are so glad you asked.

Studying beauty online

Here at New Zealand Beauty School, we offer a wide range of beauty courses in different sectors of the beauty industry; with everything from Professional Makeup Artistry and Facials to Nail Tech and Hair Extensions, there is sure to be something to inspire your beauty dreams.

All our courses are completely online, giving you 24/7 access to your learning and the flexibility to work your studies around a schedule that suits you and your lifestyle. 

And it gets better! We will send you a custom-made beauty kit straight to your front door, containing everything you will need to succeed in your training. 

All our courses come with a downloadable brochure with further information about course content, modules and assessments, access to your online learning and tutor support. Once you have completed the course, you will receive a certificate of attainment, adding that touch of impressive professionalism to offer to potential employers.

We offer an interest-free payment plan where you can pay your fees in instalments of a small amount per week, or you can receive a discount if you choose to pay your course fees upfront.

So, start waving that magic wand and grant the beauty wishes of those who call!

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